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Choosing A Better Lawyer

When you are hurt in a car accident, there are a lot of things that run through your mind, but most people aren't focused on suing the other driver or their own insurance company. Unfortunately, because of the way the world works, most people find that they are given far less of a settlement than they deserve, especially if the accident wasn't their fault. I wanted to create a blog all about choosing a better accident and personal injury attorney, so that you can prevent longterm financial ramifications from your accident. I know that a lot of these tips helped me along my journey.


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Choosing A Better Lawyer

    Recognizing Common Signs Of Nursing Home Neglect

    Choosing to place a loved one in a nursing home can be a very difficult decision. Most people spend a lot of time searching for the right nursing home, and it is natural to expect that their loved one will be properly cared for and treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, nursing home neglect can occur, and residents of a nursing home may be unable or afraid to tell anyone what is going on.

    Four Little Known Things You Should Tell Your Personal Injury Attorney

    If you are involved in a personal injury case where you have been injured by another party, you want to be sure that you work closely with a personal injury attorney in order to win your case and get the compensation you need. This includes disclosing personal information that you may be embarrassed about, but is ultimately going to help you win the compensation that you deserve. Here are four little known things that should be disclosed:

    Tips For Responding To An Auto Accident

    Being involved in an auto accident can be one of the most effective ways to ruin your day. Unfortunately, the effects of a car accident can last for long after the event itself due to the costs and injuries that can result. When the accident was the result of the other driver's actions and decisions, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover your losses, but you must follow some basic steps to help strengthen your case.

    Top Reasons To Hire A Lawyer After A Dog Bite Incident

    Dog bites are unfortunately pretty common, and they can cause a lot of damage both physically and emotionally. If you or one of your family members are attacked by a dog, you are entitled to compensation for medical bills and pain and suffering from the owners of the dog. The best way to ensure that you receive a fair settlement is by hiring an attorney who specializes in dog bite claims.

    3 Benefits Of Working With A Personal Injury Attorney

    Dealing with an injury of any type can be devastating. You may find this situation can be extremely depressing and may cause you a great deal of emotional and physical stress. However, it's possible to work towards receiving compensation for your losses, but this may only be done with the assistance of an attorney. Being aware of some of the advantages of working with a professional of this type may be the motivation you need to hire the right one.

    Four Important Driving Safety Tips For Teens

    If you have a teen who is ready to become a licensed driver, there are certain safety aspects you want to emphasize more so than the written and driving test. This way, you are more confident in your teen's ability to drive safely on the road. Here are four important driving safety tips that should be emphasized: No Cell Phones: Using cell phones while driving is extremely dangerous. On top of this, it can be damaging to your teen's driving record if it is shown that they caused a car accident while texting.

    What To Know About Getting In A Car Accident With An Uninsured Driver

    Getting in a car accident is never something you want to think about when you get behind the wheel, but it is always a possibility. Luckily, you are prepared for the possibility by having some protection from car insurance. However, this doesn't always mean that other drivers sharing the road are prepared with this protection. Here's what you should know about getting in a car accident with an uninsured driver:

    3 Important Things To Know About Statutes Of Limitations With Car Accident Cases

    In all branches of law, there is something called a statute of limitations, and this is something that refers to the amount of time a person has to file a lawsuit against another party. If you were in a car accident, there are statutes of limitations that apply to you, and it is vital to understand what these are and how they work. Here are three key things you should know about statutes of limitations on car accident cases.